The Tecla Loan Program

Are you scared of commitment? We get it. Why put all your eggs in the same basket with the risk of it not playing out the way you thought it would. It would be best if you did not worry, so let's take things slow. We are sure you will love what we have to offer but how about you give us a try then we can discuss commitment?

Introducing the Tecla Loan Program.

We understand that no one has a money tree (even though we all wish we did) so Tecla offers a FREE loan program. We only request you return the loan kit to us with the courier of your choice following our instructions. Here, your resource centre, clinic or school can borrow the tecla-e a wheelchair mount, and joystick switch to test out the product's capabilities before purchasing. We are confident you will love our assistive device, but if you have any questions, concerns or product praises, we will be sure to listen and provide the necessary support.  With our dedicated support team, we are a quick email or phone call away.

What is the tecla-e?

The tecla-e is an assistive device that allows those with limited body mobility to access smart devices with ease. Having this opportunity provides them with the ability to control their environment, communicate freely, and be less dependent on their caregivers for daily tasks.

Woman in wheelchair living freely with tecla

Let's give it a shot!

If you are interested in giving your clients or patients a shot at independence, begin by filling out our application. Within 48 hours, you will hear from a Tecla representative with further details on the program! 

What if you love the products so much and want to keep the Tecla loan package?

If you love the tecla-e and want to keep it for yourself after the loan time is up, AMAZING! However, we still need the loan device back. Be sure to communicate with your Tecla Representative and they will be happy to send you a brand new Assessment Kit instead that includes the tecla-e, a wheelchair mount, and joystick for an unbeatable price.


The Tecla Loan Program Application