
 Feels more connected to friends and family

Neil has been using Tecla for four years ever since discovering the original Tecla Shield Uno in 2012. 

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"I feel safer knowing I can call for help while out on my own."

On why he was first drawn to Tecla:

After extensive searching, the Tecla Shield was the only device that allowed me to use a smartphone with limited use of hands.


On new hobbies and interests since using Tecla:

I've been able to try time-lapse photography!


On his safety and privacy:

For safety, it's a huge improvement because I am now able to call for help, whether it be text email or my phone app.


On the difference in physical stress since using Tecla:

The Tecla Shield has greatly reduced the physical stress of using a smartphone. Before the Tecla, it took a great deal of effort to do the simplest task. It literally was a full-body workout that left me exhausted and frustrated. In fact, it wasn't until I discovered Tecla that I purchased a smartphone. 


On communicating with his friends and family:

Since using the Tecla I feel less isolated and more connected to friends and family.


On his overall Tecla experience so far:

The Tecla opened a whole new world for me. I would totally recommend the Tecla to anyone with dexterity issues. I wrote a blog entry as well as a gift list of assistive devices that included the Tecla Shield.