Youtuber, business owner, and tech enthusiast
Christopher, who lives with cerebral palsy, has been using Tecla since 2011. With the help of Tecla and Apple products, Christopher runs his own video editing business. He's been featured by Buzzfeed for his use of Switch Control.
"In my opinion, the Tecla Shield has always had more of the kind of features that allow me to develop independence than other switches."
On why he was first drawn to Tecla:
As an Apple geek, I always admired the iPhone and iPad, even though I couldn’t use them. That was what first drew me to the Tecla Shield.
I use the Tecla to control both my Macs to edit videos, run my business, communicate with people all over the world, play games and browse the internet.
Before, I was limited to only one computer and I had to have my switch hard-wired to it. Now I can come and go from the computer and change computers independently. The Tecla Shield also allows me to interface with Switch Control on OS X whereas the switch I had before was outdated and limited to older Operating Systems.
On using his devices beyond the usual smart functions:
I control an Apple TV via Wi-Fi. I control two electric doors via Bluetooth so I can go between the house and my office independently. I control a WeMo switch for some lights.
Christopher and his father Garry.
On his overall Tecla experience so far:
My experience has been very good, not only because the device is excellent, but also because the people who make it know what it is like to be a switch user and are really good at making the experience the best it can be. In my opinion, the Tecla Shield has always had more of the kind of features that allow me to develop independence than other switches.
Download Christopher's iBook on mastering Switch Control in iOS here.