Give the Gift of Accessibility This Holiday Season!
Dec 12, 2016
Filed under: AAC, Accesibilidad, Accessibility, Accessible Apps, ALS, Android, App, apple, assistive technology, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, cerebral palsy, Computer, CP, discapacidad, Donate, ebooks, Fundraiser, hands-free, iBooks, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Mac, MacOS, manos-libres, March of Dimes, March of Dimes Canada, March of Dimes Ontario, Mobile Phone, MS, parálisis, parapan am games, PC, Quadriplegia, Quadriplegic, quads, Reading, SayIt!, set-up, Siri, smartphone, smartphone technology, special education, Speech Generation, speech recognition, spinal cord injury, switch access, switch control, Tablet, tableta, tecla, Tecla Access, tecla next, Tecla Shield, teléfono, voice control, voice over, wheelchair, Windows